

marketing strategy for business
March 23, 2021

Business Starting Going Out of Lockdown

The year 2020 was probably the most disastrous in mankind’s history. It not only took thousands of innocent lives but also collapsed the global economy.

Many businesses across the globe vanished, and others are struggling to survive. The lockdown situation made the condition worse, and businesses could not physically communicate with their clients.

However, with vaccines’ arrival, authorities are gradually lifting the lockdown restrictions, and everything is slowly coming back to normal.

People who lost businesses due to the lockdown situation are gearing up for a fresh start. I have jotted down some points for businesses starting going out of lockdown to be more impactful. 

Google My Business

List your business on Google Maps

Google is the starting point of every business. Any person who needs a service or product will always google it. Therefore a strong presence on a search engine is highly recommended.

You can register yourself on Google My Business to appear on the first page of the search engine. 

This will allow you to list your business on Google Maps. Make sure to connect Google My Business to Bing and Yahoo! to list your business on Apple Maps as well. This will allow wider reach, and iPhone users can also have access to your business location. 

Miami-based businesses who linked Google My Business to Bing generated more leads because of many iPhone users in Miami. So, this strategy is very effective.

It will help if you revamp your business on Google by updating everything.

Take new pictures and rewrite the description and about section. Be active and try to answer all the questions and reviews. This way, your prospective clients will not hesitate to inquire more about your business.

social media for business and brands
Social Media

Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin

Once you set up your account on the search engine, the next step is to increase the visibility on social media platforms.

There are some considerable changes to Facebook’s business profile structure. Therefore, the old profile is not going to work for you anymore.

You require significant updates to reach more audiences.

Rewrite your bio and about us section along with the new pictures.

This will give your business profile a fresh look that can attract more audiences. The next step is to convert the Facebook audience into your customers.

This can be done by providing a landing page where they can purchase from you.

instagram management, tiktok management

Instagram and TikTok

New and Highly Potential Platforms

TikTok is relatively new platform and Instagram is offering constantly new features. You can utilize these social media platforms to increase your reach.

You can post more content using the latest tools available on these platforms. In the recent past, “Instagram Reels,” a new feature introduced by Instagram, proved very effective and engaging.

It is a 15-second video with music in the background and can be shared on the Stories.

Using Instagram reels, we received over 800k views and 5k followers on one of our client’s accounts based in Houston.

Around 38% of the population in Houston is under the age of 24. Therefore, this strategy proved to be very successful.

You need to rebrand your posts with watermarks or brand logos. There are a lot of copycats on these platforms who can use your content to compete with you.

Therefore, if somebody shares our information, it will be with your branding logo or watermark, and you can take action against him.

Google and Facebook ads

Run Low Budget Branding Ads. 

Google Ads. and Facebook Ads.

Organic growth is the ultimate goal of any business because you cannot spend too much on advertisements. However, it is preferable to run low-budget branding ads when you take a fresh start to get the maximum reach.

Many businesses do not take up because they rely too much on organic growth at the early stage of their business.

This is not possible to attract much audience without having a marketing budget.

The aim is to let as many people see your brand as possible so you can be on the minds of people. This will allow you to rank well on search engines, and once people start searching for a product similar to yours, your brand will pop up in the suggestion box.

Our client based in Austin ranked on the top 10 search results on Google by simply running low-budget advertisements for two weeks.

He generated three times more revenue by reaching more people through these ads, and the cost was recovered within three weeks.

User experience (UX) web design web development User Interface (UI)

Update Your Website

UI/UX and Updated Content 

Content is the king. This is very much true in the case of a business website. The website’s ranking on search engines is based on the quality and quantity of content uploaded.

It is highly recommended to post an update on the once a week to stay on the search engine’s radar.

You can hire an expert freelancer who can generate search engine optimized blog posts for you on a weekly basis.

This will help your website to rank on the first page of the search engine. Upload all the events and pictures on the website to provide your business’s maximum information to the visitor.  

Final Thoughts

Setting up a business takes a lot of courage and patience. Especially amidst pandemic situations, it is essential to create brand awareness; otherwise, your business can fail. I have tried to guide how you can use the internet to build brand awareness and increase the traffic on your webpage and social media profiles.

These are proven strategies, and many of our clients based in Austin, Miami, and Houston have seen a dramatic increase in revenue after applying them. If you start a business going out of lockdown, you can use these strategies to achieve excellent results.

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